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Show Deck

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Another Quality Product By:
Bruce Horkey Wood and Parts
46284 440th St
  Windom, MN 56101

This Show Deck was designed for all applications where the original floor of the vehicle is a steel structure, or your truck is finished and you don't want to remove the existing floor. Easily assembled outside the truck and installed in minutes, this deck can be used for shows and cruisin'. The skid strip screws are attached to the aluminum subframe, eliminating the need to drill any holes in your pickup floor. This allow you to remove the Show Deck  for hauling and everyday use.

Use of the rubber-padded, extruded aluminum subframe prevents scratches as well as allowing proper air movement to ensure moisture control between the wood deck and pickup floor.

These decks are available finished or unfinished and are also available with steel, stainless steel or polished stainless steel hardware. A screwdriver and tape measure are all the tools needed to assemble the deck.

The Show Deck is custom made to order. The price varies according to type of wood, metal and finish.









Specially selected, kiln-dried hardwoods are completely machined to fit your truck. American ash or oak is our standard featured wood. Other species such as walnut, cherry, mahogany, purple-heart, teak, bubinga and butternut are available at extra cost.   Polished Stainless fasteners matched with the skid strips and Rear Sill angle. Includes enough pieces to assemble the Show Deck.




These roll-formed, Stainless  steel strips are cut to shape and have holes punched in the proper locations.  They are Polished and buffed to a mirror finish.    After much testing, we have put together what we feel are the best finishing materials in a kit form.  The kit includes a marine-grade, tung oil-base spar varnish with ultraviolet blockers built in- a special reducer containing naptha, quality natural bristle brushes, foam brushes, 120G & 320G sandpaper; Scotchbrite pad; a tack cloth; and complete instructions.


Complete Kit Contents. Click on Picture to enlarge




This formed angle covers the tailgate end of the show deck, creating a finished look. It's available in matching Polished stainless to complement the skid strips.



We provide a complete guide to assembling and installing your Show Deck.





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Bruce Horkey's Wood and Parts   46284 440th st  Windom,MN 56101
Store Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Central Time




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